Tips To Understand a Schedule Built By Someone Else
When you are working in the construction or engineering field, you may sometimes have to take complete responsibility for someone else’s project plan and schedule. You will have to understand this schedule. But do not freak out! Just take a long breath and get ready to understand as much as you can of the Primavera P6 schedule handed to you. Going for Primavera P6 certification helps a lot when you struggle in such situations. Reach out to the Project Manager It would help if you worked with the project manager to understand various things. You can ask them questions about the reporting or status processes and any other processes that may be included. You should discuss if the schedule has any gaps. You should also ask them about the area of the schedule that you should focus on first and if there is anything else that you should be worried about. There may be certain things that can impact the schedule. It would be best if you discussed them too with the project manager. Dates,...