Can Delay Analysis Really Be Considered A ‘Dark Art’ In Construction?

Have you heard about the ‘dark art’ in the construction world? This is not some kind of mysterious sorcery; we are talking about delay analysis, which many people refer to as dark art. In this article, we’ll try to analyze if it can be called a dark art and how construction delay analysis courses can help you benefit from it. 

Dark Art and The Practical Reality

So why delay analysis has such a dramatic name? It’s simple because the work is perceived to be complex. Some view it as mystique work that only a few people can do. The reality is that at its core, delay analysis can be viewed just like anything in construction project management. It has a learning path just like anything else engineers learn to improve their careers.

What happens in delay analysis?

No need of mystique here! Delay analysis, as the name suggests, is a work of breaking down the project and understanding different things that cause delays. It’s about understanding the project timeline and causes of delays and figuring out the impact on the overall schedule. You can view it as a logical and methodological process, like putting pieces of the puzzle together.

Role of experience and technology

Experience matters in the delay analysis field. So, the earlier you understand and grab the skills, the better it is for you. The good news is that experience and expertise can be earned through training in delay analysis in construction. With the kind of reach available in technology, you can use advanced software and tools to collect and analyze data. Everything is smoother with the use of these tools in delay analysis.

Why should you invest in training?

As you can understand, delay analysis is considered a dark art in the world of construction. Not because it involves crystal balls and magic but because it is complex. So, obviously, there is a demand for seasoned professionals in the construction sector. The skill of construction delay analysis will help you identify risks and play a crucial role in dispute resolution in the future. The course is worth an investment for engineers and construction professionals!

About Smart PM Training:

Smart PM Training offers quality courses for engineers. The construction claims and delay analysis course is designed to help you transform this dark art into a practical skill. Professionals can get real-world insights and examples for the best project management.

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